1 Peter 1:6-9
6 Wherein you greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:
7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:
9 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
I studied this passage a while back, verse 6 was the verse I didn't understand. I googled it and found a Wesley sermon on "manifold temptations". I sat down one day with a concordance, dictionary, the sermon and my Bible and this is what I got out of the study:
A) A few facts (verses 1-9)
1) were believers (verses 5, 7, 9)
2) already had peace (verse 2)
3) still had hope (verse 3)
4) had joy unspeakable and full of glory (verse 8)
B) Vocabulary
1) Heaviness:
a) strong sorrow & grief "sunk deep in the soul"; inward affliction
2) Manifold:
a) many in number and many different kinds
C) Possible "manifold temptations"
1) health issues/illnesses
2) poverty
3) death of a loved one
4) unsaved family/friends and those who profess a belief but are living in sin/allowing sin in their life
5) Satan/evil/fiery darts
6) God withdrawing (due to our sin; grieve the Holy Spirit, pride, not doing good, slothfulness, etc)
7) personal reflection (knowledge of our self) of sin in our lives & where we would be without salvation (including inbred sin and total corruption)
D) Conviction of sins (#6 & 7 above)
1) heaviness (in wilderness rejoicing) is different from darkness (total loss of joy, no peace, no love of God, separated from God)
2) is permitted for our own good (verse 7, also 1 Peter 4:12-19)
a) trial of our faith
b) faith is purified
* strengthened
* confirmed
* increased (abundantly)
c) hope is increased (same as faith, above)
d) love is increased
e) rejoice
f) holiness (of)
* heart
* conversation
g) heart purified (from)
> pride
> self-will
> passion
> love of the world
> foolish & hurtful desires
> vile & vain affections
3) Example to others in & through our struggles
a) soul calm & serene in midst of storms
b) sorrowful, yet always rejoicing
c) meekly accepting the will of God (however grievous it may be to us)
d) in loss or want... the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD (Job 1:21b)
- there sometimes is a need for heaviness in our life (not necessarily for all persons; can be for a season)
vs. Darkness
- never a need for darkness
- can be fallen into, even after forgiveness of sins
As your will permits, heaviness in my life. Teach me to wait upon you without fainting and with peace, hope & joy unspeakable.
Increase my faith through any heaviness I may go through, confirm my hope & perfect me in all holiness.
Purify me, both flesh and spirit.
In your Blessed Name, Amen
Dwell refreshed!